ラウンドテーブル 2018 スプリングセッション(平成30年2月16日~18日)のお知らせ

平成30年2月16日、17日、18日の3日間にわたって開催する「実践し省察するコミュニティ 実践研究福井ラウンドテーブル 2018 スプリングーセッション」の参加受付がいよいよスタートです!


 2月17日(土)は、Zone A:学校、Zone B:教師教育、Zone C:コミュニティ、Zone D:授業研究の各領域でポスター報告やシンポジウム等でテーマに沿った議論を展開していきます。また、小・中・高校生によるポスターセッションも開催されます。


⁂ 福井実践研究ラウンドテーブルは予定通り開催します。今後の天候や交通機関の運行状況につきましては、下記サイトよりご確認ください。




  The application for the Spring Session Roundtable 2018 for Reflective Practice and Organizational Learning to be held at the University of Fukui on February 16 - 18, 2018 is now open. 

  Please download and fill out all the necessary information in the application form (Excel file) available below. Then, send your complete application form as an attachment to dpdtfukui@yahoo.co.jp. A detailed program will be uploaded so please check this site from time to time. 

  The symposium and sessions on February 17 is divided into four (4) zones: Zone A: School, Zone B: Teacher Education, Zone C: Community, and Zone D: Lesson Study. In addition, there will be poster presentations by elementary, junior high and high school students together with other education stakeholders. 

  On February 18 (Saturday), the roundtable cross-session will take place. During this event, practitioners talk about their longitudinal journey of practice and thoroughly examine practices of professionals engaged in school education, community education and social education in small groups. Participants listen carefully to the practice of the reporters as the latter expresses carefully their practices. Consequently, exchanges and reflections on one’s practice are deepened through this interaction with practitioners and researchers coming from various fields which may lead to new perspectives and prospects for mutual practice. The application for roundtable participants and reporters are still open. Your presence and participation will be appreciated. 

  Lastly, because of the number of participants, there may not be enough parking spaces for everyone. Please expect some congestion if you are coming by car or taxi. (For those coming by taxi, please get off at the Main Gate.)

<平成29年度 第32回福井県教育総合研究所  研究発表会のお知らせ>


2月ラウンドテーブル生徒ポスター案内358.99 KB
主旨文(Zone A,B,C,D)(1月22日時点)309.41 KB
福井大学教職大学院ラウンドテーブル2018springのご案内(1月31日時点)540.98 KB